Sunday 9 September 2012


For the past term I have been working towards my contributors band for Mahana schools superb kids challenge. I had to choose 4 challenges to earn my band. I chose to cook a meal, do some baking, only use reuseable containers and keep a blog.  Click on the links to see how I went.

I enjoyed cooking a meal for my family. I cooked  dinner and desert with a banana milk shake. 

It was easy not to use glade wrap and things like that. But it was hard to fit the containers in my lunch box!

It was hard to find things to bake for Pop. Next time I wold plan what to bake first, or ask Pop what he would like.

I found it hard to keep the blog going, because I had to type a lot of posts and find the pictures that go with the posts and add captions. It was hard work. I chose to do the blog to keep in touch with Gran and Grandad while they're in Australia.

Helping The Enviroment.

I used only reusable containers in my lunch box for a term, because it helps the environment, because not as much rubbish goes to the dump.

This is me and my lunch box.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Gym Comp

Today I went to a gym competition at the Moutere Hills Community Centre. I was in stage 4. We had 4 activities, bar, floor, beam and vault. We were scored out of 10. I came 2nd overall and I got a silver medal! I was very proud of myself.

My floor routine.

This is the vault

The beam.

The bar.
This is me with my medal!
( I'm on the Right hand side of the picture)

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Cooking A Meal For My Family

Hey there

Sorry for the delay of this post I forgot to put it on the blog!!
A while a go I cooked dinner for my family I made soy marinaded chicken drums with salad and wedges YUMMY!! Also for desert I made banana split with home made chocolate sauce!!

Basting chicken with soy mix.

Serving dinner.

Please enjoy!

Making the banana milkshake.

mmmmm yum said Chelsea!!

Sunday 29 July 2012

Cross Country

On  Friday we had a school coss country. We ran at Woollastons. It was easy! We ran in countrys. There were 5 countrys and I was in congo.  We had to wear green.

This is the Congo Chant.

This is me running!

Maori Language Week

At school we had a different phrase each day. The teachers called us on the phone and if we had said the phrase we got a prize the next morning. The prize was a small chocolate bar! Two of the phrases were...

I pehea to ra is how was your day.

haere pai atu hoki pai mai is travel safely.

Monday 23 July 2012

Fireworks Display

On Friday night we went to a fireworks display. We had a picnic dinner. For dinner we had wraps. The display started at 7pm there were lots of different types of fireworks, there were also flares. The display makes the start of the blessing of the fleet.

(We did have a video of them but having trouble loading it to the blog.  Will try again soon!)